Businesses and Nonprofits

Alec works closely with businesses and nonprofits to measure, understand, and explain their economic and fiscal impacts on local, state, regional, and national economies. These efforts include primary research through business and user surveys, data gathering across a variety of public and private sources, construction of economic models of various geographies using the IMPLAN software, and using sophisticated analytical techniques such as analysis-by-parts and multi-regional input-output analysis to measure unique business activities and economic linkages across geographies.

Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Nike in Oregon

Evaluated the full range of economic and fiscal impacts associated with Nike’s headquarters operations in Oregon. The analysis included the economic impacts on employment, incomes, and output in the state and local economies. It also included a net fiscal impact analysis that compared the revenues that state and local governments and school districts receive from Nike and its employees to the costs of providing government services to Nike and its employees. Economic and fiscal impacts were measured for Multnomah County, Portland, and the state of Oregon.

Dimensions and Contributions of the Bioscience Industry in Oregon

Conducted annual evaluations of the bioscience industry in Oregon to include private industry and bioscience life science research at universities and hospitals. The four major sectors of the private bioscience industry include: 1) agricultural feed stocks and chemicals, 2) drugs and pharmaceuticals, 3) medical devices and equipment manufacturing, and 4) research, testing, and medical laboratories. Employment and payroll data was obtained from the Oregon Employment Department and used to describe the direct dimensions of the private bioscience industry such as number of establishments, jobs, and payroll. In addition, funding, payroll, and employment data was obtained from research universities and hospitals in Oregon. Both data sets were then fed into an IMPLAN model to fully describe other dimensions, as well as the linkages or multiplier effects (i.e., supply-chain and consumption-driven impacts) of the bioscience industry in the Oregon economy. econ impact website_final.pdf

Main Street Washougal’s Economic and Fiscal Contributions

For Lone Wolf Investments, Inc., used a survey of current businesses, Dun & Bradstreet business data, county property tax data, and the IMPLAN modeling software to fully describe the direct economic and fiscal contributions of businesses along Main Street Washougal. This analysis also used IMPLAN to measure the secondary spending effects locally, and IMPLAN’s Multi-Regional Input-Output module to measure the secondary or multiplier effects on other sectors and governments in Clark County.

Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Intel

Estimated the economic and fiscal impacts associated with Intel’s Oregon operations. This analysis used the IMPLAN input-output modeling software and the advanced “analysis-by-parts” modeling approach to construct a custom production function of Intel’s Oregon operations and capital spending to measure the economic impact on jobs, personal income, and output in Washington County, Portland Metro and entire Oregon economy. Intel has found the information so useful that the analysis was performed for three different time periods, with results from the third analysis shared with President Barrack Obama during his visit to Oregon in 2012.

Arts, Culture, and Oregon’s Economy

For the Oregon Cultural Trust, conducted a comprehensive economic analysis of the arts and culture community in Oregon. The analysis measured the cultural sector’s direct dimensions, quantified how the sector supports activity in other sectors of the Oregon economy, and assessed the efficacy of Oregon’s tax credit program that supports the Oregon Cultural Trust. To do this, we prepared and conducted an online survey of eligible cultural nonprofits, reviewed program funding data, obtained and reviewed employment and wage data (QCEW data) from the Oregon Employment Department, acquired business data from Dun & Bradstreet, and used the IMPLAN economic impact modeling software.

Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Cambia Health Solutions in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Utah

Estimated the economic and fiscal impacts of Cambia’s operations across a four state region. Using a combined expenditure and analysis-by-parts approach, the analysis built a custom production function for Cambia’s spending on payroll, goods and services, and capital projects. Under the expenditure approach, company spending directly influences the economy and begins a chain reaction of additional spending elsewhere. These secondary impacts were measured using the IMPLAN economic impact modeling software, with spillover effects across state boundaries measured using IMPLAN’s Multi-Regional Input-Output (“MRIO”) module.

Software Industry Impacts

For the Technology Association of Oregon (“TAO”), formerly the Software Association of Oregon (“SAO”), evaluated the economic impacts of the software industry in Oregon. This analysis measured the dimensions of the software industry in Oregon by quantifying the employment by the software sector, the self-employed, and software workers in non-software industries. An economic impact model of the Oregon economy was used to then measure the indirect and induced impacts of the software industry in Oregon. Further, by accessing state employment data and using SAO-provided membership information, we surveyed a set of individuals to identify those that use open source technologies.

Economic and Fiscal Contributions of The Standard Insurance Company In Oregon

Measured the economic and fiscal contributions associated with its headquarter operations in Portland, Oregon. Using economic impact modeling techniques and the IMPLAN modeling software, traced how and where The Standard’s direct expenditures circulate through the economy. The results are broadly divided into two categories: 1) economic contributions, which are the effects of The Standard’s activities on output, income and employment; and 2) fiscal contributions, which are the tax and fee revenues that local and state governments receive as a result of The Standard’s activities. The analysis examined The Standard’s impacts on the Portland economy, and then the spillover effects of its Portland operations throughout the state.

Economic Contributions of Acute Care Hospitals in Oregon

For the Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems (OAHHS”), conducted annual evaluations of the economic contributions of Oregon’s acute care hospitals on the state’s economy using the IMPLAN modeling software. Economic contributions describe the economic linkages between a project, program, or activity and other sectors of the economy. These economic linkages are determined by the indirect (supply-chain) and induced (consumption-driven) impacts that can be traced back to acute care hospitals. In this analysis, the economic contributions of acute care hospitals were measured collectively, as an industry sector, and for individual counties, congressional districts, and the state of Oregon.

Economic and Fiscal Contributions of ESCO in Oregon

Measured the economic and fiscal contributions of ESCO’s headquarters and manufacturing operations in Portland, Oregon, using detailed company data, and an analysis-by-parts approach implemented within the IMPLAN modeling system. This positioned the company to respond to elements of Oregon’s Economic Impact Investment Act of 2012, and to fully explain the benefits of their operations to policymakers, governments, stakeholders, and the public. The benefits include: the growth in high-paying manufacturing jobs; strong supply-chain linkages with local and rural Oregon businesses; the generation of substantial revenues for state and local governments; and voluntary contributions to charities, nonprofits, and schools.