Education and Healthcare

Gross and Net Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Oregon Health Sciences University

Evaluated the economic and fiscal impacts associated with Oregon Health Sciences University (“OHSU”) spending and activities. This analysis provides both the gross and net economic impacts attributed to OHSU’s operations, capital spending, student spending, and spin off businesses. The net impacts are based on counterfactual assumptions regarding specific revenues received by the university, including hospital revenues, funding from the State of Oregon, federal and non-local grants, donations and contributions, and student spending.

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Dimensions and Contributions of the Bioscience Industry in Oregon

Conducted annual evaluations of the bioscience industry in Oregon to include private industry and bioscience life science research at universities and hospitals. The four major sectors of the private bioscience industry include: 1) agricultural feed stocks and chemicals, 2) drugs and pharmaceuticals, 3) medical devices and equipment manufacturing, and 4) research, testing, and medical laboratories. Employment and payroll data was obtained from the Oregon Employment Department and used to describe the direct dimensions of the private bioscience industry such as number of establishments, jobs, and payroll. In addition, funding, payroll, and employment data was obtained from research universities and hospitals in Oregon. Both data sets were then fed into an IMPLAN model to fully describe other dimensions, as well as the linkages or multiplier effects (i.e., supply-chain and consumption-driven impacts) of the bioscience industry in the Oregon economy.

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Short-Term and Long-Term Impacts of Oregon State University

Produced a series of reports that quantified and described the full range of Oregon State University’s (“OSU”) impacts on local, state, and global economies. The short-term expenditure impacts were based on spending by OSU on operations and capital projects, as well as spending by students and visitors. In addition to gross changes in output, income, jobs, and taxes, the analysis also included counterfactual spending assumptions to accommodate possible substitution effects and measure the net economic impacts attributed to the university. The analysis also quantified the value of OSU’s research and innovation activities. This assessment indicated the benefits to society for every dollar invested in research. All short-term impacts were measured using the IMPLAN economic impact modeling software. The analysis also measured the long-term impacts associated with Oregon State graduates by comparing employment and salary data from an OSU alumni survey to a typical college graduate in Oregon.

Short-Term and Long-Term Impacts of the Oregon University System

Measured the economic activity and impacts associated with the Oregon University System (“OUS”). The OUS consists of seven institutions: Eastern Oregon University, Oregon Institute of Technology, Oregon State University, Portland State University, Southern Oregon University, University of Oregon, and Western Oregon University. For each university and the system as a whole, the analysis estimated the short-term expenditure impacts and the long-term impacts associated with increases in human capital. The expenditure analysis produced quantifiable estimates of output, employment, income, and tax impacts generated using the highest standards in economic impact analysis. The results were defensible in public policy, industry, or academic forums, and the State Board of Higher Education found these results to be helpful in their discussions with state and local government agencies that implement and manage programs designed to support and promote higher education. The Board was able to demonstrate not only the number of jobs generated directly by its own operations, but also the sales and jobs at firms that supply the universities and colleges with goods and services. The results helped to demonstrate how the system’s presence helps achieve economic-development goals at the state and local level.

Oregon’s Long-Term Care Sector

For the Oregon Health Care Association, ECONorthwest measured the dimensions of the long-term care sector in Oregon, and used the IMPLAN modeling system to evaluate the economic impacts from potential reductions in state general funding and the resulting loss of federal matching funds. The examination consisted of analyzing all aspects of the long-term sector, which include: 1) nursing, residential care and assisted living facilities; 2) in-home and adult foster care providers; and 3) state and local offices.

Short-Term and Long-Term Impacts of Central Washington University

Conducted a comprehensive analysis of the short-term economic and fiscal impacts of Central Washington University on the regional and state economies. This study categorized and measured the short-term impacts for CWU operations, capital spending, student spending, and visitor spending on a net basis and, thereby, provided the most realistic and defensible estimate of impacts. Also measured the long-term impacts associated with CWU graduates who remain in the state and increase the state’s stock of human capital, enhance productivity, and generate additional tax revenues.

Bond-Financed Capital Projects for Portland Schools

For the Portland Public School District and Clackamas Community College, used an input-output framework implemented within the IMPLAN economic impact modeling software to measure the economic and fiscal impacts associated with over $700 million in bond-financed construction and renovation projects for Portland area schools. Impacts were based on detailed project spending and financing costs over various time periods to measure both the gross impacts (unadjusted for bond financing) and net impacts (adjusted for bond financing).

Short-Term and Long-Term Impacts of The Evergreen State College

Used an expenditure approach and an input-output modeling framework implemented within the IMPLAN economic impact model to measure the short-run economic and fiscal impacts associated with college spending and activities in 2012. The analysis explicitly included counterfactual spending assumptions to measure both the gross and net impacts of the university. Net impacts allowed us to address and quantify the following issue: The Evergreen State College brings new spending to the community that “but for” the college would accrue elsewhere. In this regard, the economic contributions of the college represent net gains to the Thurston County economy. The analysis also evaluated the long-run impacts attributed to student education and higher lifetime earnings, the benefits for low-income and under-served students, local growth in higher education compared to other cities nationally, and businesses and community organizations.

Oregon’s Primary and Secondary Public Schools

For the Oregon Education Association, evaluated the economic impacts associated with spending by K-12 public institutions and their employees. The analysis used an input-output modeling framework to trace the effects of school-related expenditures on other economic sectors for three regions within Oregon.

Federal Funding for Long-Term Care Facilities in Washington

For the Washington Health Care Association, analyzed the economic and fiscal impacts on the Washington economy from the loss of Federal matching funds associated with proposed reductions in State General Funding of long-term care services for seniors and persons with disabilities. Forming the basis of the combined economic impacts of the proposed reduction in state funding for long-term care programs, are the economic impacts from activities and expenditures associated with two health care sectors: 1) nursing homes and 2) residential care and assisted living facilities. The outcome included the loss of output, wages, small business income, and jobs, as well as losses in tax revenue for the State of Washington.

Short-Term Economic Impacts of the National College of Natural Medicine

Measured the economic impacts of the National College of Natural Medicine (“NCNM”) on the three-county Portland metropolitan area using an expenditure approach within an input-output modeling framework. The analysis used detailed operating costs, capital spending, and student spending data from NCNM and an economic model of the Portland economy constructed using the IMPLAN model to trace how these expenditures circulate through the Portland metropolitan economy. Economic impact results were detailed by major industry sector in order to fully understand how NCNM spending affects all sectors of the city economy.

Economic Contributions of Acute Care Hospitals in Oregon

For the Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems (OAHHS”), conducted annual evaluations of the economic contributions of Oregon’s acute care hospitals on the state’s economy using the IMPLAN modeling software. Economic contributions describe the economic linkages between a project, program, or activity and other sectors of the economy. These economic linkages are determined by the indirect (supply-chain) and induced (consumption-driven) impacts that can be traced back to acute care hospitals. In this analysis, the economic contributions of acute care hospitals were measured collectively, as an industry sector, and for individual counties, congressional districts, and the state of Oregon.