Economic Impacts of Oregon’s Ski Industry
Using the results from a survey of skiers and snowboarders, estimated the economic impacts associated with the ski industry in Oregon during the 2011–2012 ski season. The survey gathered a broad range of data, including participation patterns, shopping patterns, on- and off-mountain expenditures, and ski vacations. This information was fed into a model of the Oregon economy constructed using the IMPLAN economic impact software. Analysis showed that the ski industry contributed $481.6 million in economic activity in Oregon, including $194.4 million in income and almost 6,800 jobs.
Recreation on the Rogue River, Oregon
Using the results from surveys of commercial rafting outfitters and local lodging establishments, analyzed the economic impacts that recreation-related spending on the Wild & Scenic Rogue River has on the economy of Josephine County, Oregon. Recreational activities included whitewater rafting, boat fishing, bank fishing, hiking, and commercial jet boat tours.
Recreational and Commercial Fishing on the Lower Columbia River, Oregon
For the Coastal Conservation Association of Oregon (CCA), identified factors that influence recreational and commercial fishing, and the link between recreational or commercial fishing activity and spending on that activity. The analysis also examined how a change in the allocation of the catch between recreational and commercial fishers would affect gross spending activity associated with salmon fishing in the Lower Columbia. The measurement of impacts of changes in the sport versus commercial harvest prospects was analyzed by use of a technique that links the spending by recreational and commercial fishers, respectively, to impacts on other economic activities, known as Spending Impact approach. Another measurement was made by examining the consumer benefits of salmon being harvested by recreational activity versus commercial gillnet activity. This is referred to, variously, as the Consumer Surplus (Benefit) or Willingness-to-Pay approach.
Oregon Film and Video Industry
Conducted an economic and fiscal impact analysis of three segments of the entertainment industry in Oregon—local film production, out of state productions filmed or taped in Oregon, and the local television broadcasting industry. For each segment, calculated the full range of economic impacts and the fiscal impacts on state and local governments. This analysis still serves the Governor’s Office of Film & Television recruiting and marketing efforts.
Portland International Raceway
For the City of Portland’s Bureau of Parks and Recreation, evaluated the full range of economic and fiscal impacts associated with various events, user-groups, and visitors to Portland International Raceway (PIR). To conduct this analysis, used detailed operating expense data provided by PIR, and developed an electronic survey instrument (a web page linked to the PIR website) to conduct a comprehensive survey of visitors. Combined, this data allowed for the measurement of the net economic and fiscal impacts that the facility has on the Portland metropolitan area, and to provide measures of economic impacts for various industry sectors, including hotels and accommodations, eating and drinking, retail, and services.
The City of Bremerton’s Proposed Waterfront Boardwalk Project
For the City of Bremerton, conducted a comprehensive economic and fiscal impact analysis of the proposed Bremerton Boardwalk, including: a market demand analysis of outdoor recreation activities; measurement of the economic and fiscal impacts associated with construction and operation of the Boardwalk, as well as spending by visitors; and an evaluation of the economic development potential of the Boardwalk. Worked with the City of Bremerton to conduct surveys of residents, visitors, business leaders, and economic development professionals, and then used a specially-constructed IMPLAN model of Bremerton and Kitsap County to measure the multiplier spending effects associated with various changes in construction, operations, and visitor spending and employment
Arts, Culture, and Oregon’s Economy
For the Oregon Cultural Trust, conducted a comprehensive economic analysis of the arts and culture community in Oregon. The analysis measured the cultural sector’s direct dimensions, quantified how the sector supports activity in other sectors of the Oregon economy, and assessed the efficacy of Oregon’s tax credit program that supports the Oregon Cultural Trust. To do this, we prepared and conducted an online survey of eligible cultural nonprofits, reviewed program funding data, obtained and reviewed employment and wage data (QCEW data) from the Oregon Employment Department, acquired business data from Dun & Bradstreet, and used the IMPLAN economic impact modeling software.
Tourism and Resort Impacts in Spain
Gathered data from the University of Madrid in Spain to construct an input-output model of the south coast of Spain and the Canary Islands to measure the economic impacts associated with construction and operations of large-scale resorts and visitor spending. This analysis led to the development of the first input-output model of the Canary Islands.
Maine Film and Video Industry
Measured the direct contributions of four sectors of Maine’s film and video industry, and then used the IMPLAN model to measure the secondary (indirect and induced) impacts on other businesses, workers, as well as state and local taxing jurisdictions. In addition, conducted a literature review of incentive programs offered by states and provinces in Canada to increase local activity by nonlocal segments of the film and video industry. With this information, the analysis was able to answer several important questions, including: How important is the film and video industry to the state? What are the dimensions of each segment of the film and video industry? How many living wage jobs does the industry support? How has each segment changed over time? Why? How is each segment connected to other industries Maine? How can experiences elsewhere help to develop a package of incentives to bring in new spending and jobs to the state?
Tribal Gaming, Business, and Government Impacts
For various Northwest Tribes and the Oregon Tribal Gaming Alliance, conducted market and economic impact analyses across a wide range of Tribal activities, including: government, gaming, farming, housing, healthcare, assisted living, hotels, eating and drinking, retail sales, museums, and interpretive centers. Economic and fiscal impacts were calculated on a net basis using counterfactual spending assumptions. This approach was widely cited within the industry as producing the most realistic and defensible estimate of impacts on local economies and taxing jurisdictions.